Camden Murphy
Camden Murphy

Camden Murphy
Itasca, IL



Camden Murphy




With only three races left in the American Ethanol Truck Series schedule Murphy knew that he couldn't leave anything on the table going into the event at the World's Fastest 1/4 mile, Slinger Super Speedway.

The CMR team started off on the top of the charts in practice but knew the #85 Ronald McDonald House Chevy still had more speed left in it. When qualifying came around Murphy was to the floor but accidentally kissed the apron of the racetrack and with Slinger being as high banked as it is, it upset the truck a little bit and Camden lost some time and qualified in the 3rd spot.

With only a 10 truck field that night, the series decided to do a full invert. A full invert is where the entire field is flipped according to their qualifying times. For example, 10th fastest in qualifying starts in 1st and the fastest in qualifying starts in 10th. Murphy knew it was going to be one heck of a first few laps until everything starts to get sorted out. Unfortunately, only a few laps in, the carnage struck as a truck on the outside line lost control and came across the front of the truck in front of Camden and it was history from there. The truck that was in front of Camden slammed on his brakes trying to avoid hitting the other truck but with Slinger being the World's Fastest Quarter Mile, things happen FAST. With no time to react to the driver that slammed on the brakes, Murphy ran into the back of him and crushed the nose of the truck. This didn't allow air to flow to the engine or radiator causing the engine to run at an extremely high temperature. This could seize the engine and possibly end the year for Murphy. With that being said, the CMR team had to make the call and decided it would be best to call it a day to not blow up the engine. The engines that the truck series runs normally do not last past 280 degrees Fahrenheit. Camden's engine had reached a temperature in excess of over 300. The actual temp is unknown since the gauge stops at 300 and it was pinned to the max for over 5 minutes. We have gotten word today that the engine has checked out fine and that is all thanks to True Power Racing Oil! If you want your engine to run at peak performance and be saved from severe damage, True Power Racing Oil is what you want to run!

One thing Murphy is known for, is that he brings home the racecar in one piece. It has been 2-3 years since he has brought home a wrecked racecar. Unfortunately that streak came to an end Sunday afternoon at Slinger. With the carnage at Slinger, Murphy has now lost his points lead in the American Ethanol Truck Series but is by no means out of the running for the Championship. With 2 races left, Murphy has plenty of time to gain as many points as he can. His next opportunity to do so is this coming Sunday at Jefferson Speedway where Murphy won earlier this year.

All of this wouldn't be possible if we didn't have our great partners like The Ronald McDonald House of Chicagoland and Northwestern Indiana, True Power Racing Oil, Car Doctor Jr., O’Hare Auto Body, Mark Signs, and 83 & Devon CITGO.

To find out more about Camden go to his website or on social media. Twitter- @Camdenmurphy Instagram-@Camden.murphy

Article Credit: PR

Submitted By: Camden Murphy

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