6/12/2021 - Independence Motor Speedway
6/12/2021 - Independence Motor Speedway

Independence Motor Speedway




Correct %




IMCA Sport Compact by CC's Floors and More

Matchup 1 Points Picked %
Cristian Grady Cristian Grady Cedar Rapids, IA 99 63%
Zeke Wheeler Zeke Wheeler Vinton, IA 95 32%
Justin Hempstead Justin Hempstead Manchester, IA 94 5%
Matchup 2 Points Picked %
Jacob Lamphere Jacob Lamphere Waterloo, IA 88 16%
Michael Pittman Michael Pittman Steamboat Rock, IA 86 37%
Jeremy Wheeler Jeremy Wheeler Vinton, IA 78 47%
Matchup 3 Points Picked %
Lukas Rick Lukas Rick Central City, IA 93 37%
Steve Knight Steve Knight Waterloo, IA 83 37%
Joseph Hempstead Joseph Hempstead Manchester, IA 82 26%
Matchup 4 Points Picked %
Adam Gates Adam Gates Marion, IA 99 47%
Jay Crabill Jay Crabill Cedar Rapids, IA 96 42%
Korey Lana Korey Lana Cedar Rapids, IA 88 11%
Matchup 5 Points Picked %
Ashley Reuman Ashley Reuman Hills, IA 106 58%
Thomas Werning Thomas Werning Urbana, IA 92 21%
Colton Stewart Colton Stewart Vinton, IA 81 21%
Matchup 6 Points Picked %
Sandra Ebaugh Sandra Ebaugh Evansdale, IA 85 26%
Robert Rundle Robert Rundle Center Point, IA 3 74%
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