8/24/2024 - Crowleys Ridge Raceway
8/24/2024 - Crowleys Ridge Raceway

Crowleys Ridge Raceway




Correct %




SimCo Cruisers

Matchup 1 Points Picked %
Beard and McReynolds Beard and McReynolds Ravenden, AR 97 50%
McReynolds and Beard McReynolds and Beard Ravenden, AR 96 0%
Dexter Thompson Dexter Thompson Paragould, AR 95 50%
Matchup 2 Points Picked %
A. Tousley and McLemore A. Tousley and McLemore Paragould, AR 93 0%
Girard and Girard Girard and Girard Walnut Ridge, AR 91 100%
Haney and Murray Haney and Murray Delaplane, AR 90 0%
Matchup 3 Points Picked %
Crader and Birmingham Crader and Birmingham Paragould, AR 94 50%
C. Tousley and Crader C. Tousley and Crader Paragould, AR 88 50%
Reed and Reed Reed and Reed Paragould, AR 83 0%
Matchup 4 Points Picked %
McFarland and Hood McFarland and Hood Paragould, AR 97 50%
Collins and Collins Collins and Collins Paragould, AR 81 50%
Lathe Lunsford Lathe Lunsford Jonesboro, AR 4 0%
Matchup 5 Points Picked %
Matthews and Matthews Matthews and Matthews Paragould, AR 107 100%
Witlow and Forbes Witlow and Forbes Jonesboro, AR 91 0%
Jeff Cline Jeff Cline Paragould, AR 84 0%
Matchup 6 Points Picked %
Huffman and Huffman Huffman and Huffman Paragould, AR 90 50%
Haney and Yarbrough Haney and Yarbrough Jonesboro, AR 85 50%
Apple and Apple Apple and Apple Batesville, AR 6 0%
Matchup 7 Points Picked %
Miller and Rogers Miller and Rogers Paragould, AR 86 50%
Russom and Payne Russom and Payne Jonesboro, AR 5 50%
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