5/2/1987 - Eldora Speedway
5/2/1987 - Eldora Speedway

Eldora Speedway

Media Results

Results formatted for use in newspapers, magazines, and online publications.

17 entries

Tezos All Star Circuit of Champions

A Feature: 1. 56-Kenny Jacobs; 2. 40-Dave Blaney; 3. 2V-Jac Haudenschild; 4. 9-Dave Fisher; 5. 18-Brad Doty; 6. 20-Rocky Hodges; 7. 3X-Danny Smith; 8. 5X-Rickey Hood; 9. 1-Steve Butler; 10. 3G-Joe Gaerte; 11. 63-Jack Hewitt; 12. 62-Dwain Leiber; 13. 14H-Todd Heller; 14. 7C-Fred Linder; 15. 84-Tim Allison; 16. 21N-Robbie Nervo; 17. 1-Keith Kauffman