Oklahoma Sports Park
Oklahoma Sports Park

Oklahoma Sports Park
Ada, OK

Race Report 2 ~ April 8, 2017 ~~ Spring Fling


Gary Hunt

Race Report 2 ~ April 8, 2017 ~~ Spring Fling

Race Report 2 ~ April 8, 2017 ~~ Spring Fling
Oklahoma Sports Park, Pro-Stock #23 ~~ Heat 2nd, Feature 5th
Driver: Gary Hunt, Crew Chief: Chad Weber, Crew: Jessy Weber

As we were already prepared from last week’s rain out we had some extra time. Knowing that the track usually gets slippery as the night wears on, we prepared another set of outside tires to run in the feature race. We believed this would give us a small advantage to get ahead at the start as passing becomes very difficult on a slippery track.

Could not have been better, we were clearly the fastest car there. We were first on the track and caught the entire field by the end of the five-lap session. Several people came over to look and commented on the car and the performance. Even some kids from another class car came to cheer us on telling us “nothing is going to beat the #23 car tonight”. Although there only kids, it is a definite morale booster. Even Crew Chief, Chad remarked “damn Gary, when did you become such a social celebrity?” We felt like we already won and the races had not even started.

Started on the pole next to my friend Billy Starner in the 6x car (he is real fast, runs clean and is one of the very few racers respected as a mentor). This is going to be good, if I can get him, we really are the fastest car here tonight. On the green, Billy and I ran side by side leading the pack into the first corner, Billy overcooked it a little and came out high. I took advantage of this and shot under him believing I got him now and screamed down the back straight into the next turn when I looked with surprise, there was Billy. I love it tight like this with a driver you can trust. We came down the front straight together into the next turn when he barely got me. While trying to pass him back, staying low to go underneath I realized I was losing position also he was running up higher on the track. I was more concerned with passing than the “sweet spot”. I moved up and started gaining on Billy in the 6x car but there were not enough laps left to catch him before the checkered, we finished 2nd.

We installed fresh right side rubber and were completely confident we were going to win the upcoming feature race.

Based on the Heat race results, Billy 6x got the pole and I had outside next to him. As in the heat race, on the green, we went side by side into the first corner when the tire change left me with no bite on the rear. It was a good thing I was on the outside because I it took a lot of track just to keep from losing it or getting run over by the pack behind me. Coming down the back straight I was not able to get enough traction to even keep up so I got outside as the pack blew by throwing so much dirt I could not even see the track. It took two tear offs before I was able to see again. I considered pitting for a tire change but that was a bad option. I stuck it out, things got a little better toward the end but Billy caught up to me on the last lap, I moved over to let him pass without challenge. I believe we somehow managed to finish 5th as they sent me to the scales as one of the top five finishers. The final results have not been posted at the time of this writing.

A very exciting first race of the season. Although we did not win, we have the rest of the season to remedy that. Our confidence level is very high and we left happy for the experience. That’s Racing…

This Race Report plus Photos & Videos are posted on FACEBOOK. https://www.facebook.com/gary.hunz

Web Sites of interest:

Total this season: $???, OSP Points: ??, Standing: ??..

NEXT RACE: April 15th

Anyone wanting to receive or stop receiving Race Reports by email notify me at gary@a-zoom.com. List is not shared.

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