The Bullring
The Bullring

The Bullring
Las Vegas, NV



CARS Tour West




The rules and regulations set forth herein are designed to provide for the orderly conduct of racing Events and to establish minimum acceptable requirements for such Events. These rules shall govern the condition of all Events, and by participating in these Events, all participants are deemed to have complied with these rules.
NO EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF SAFETY SHALL RESULT FROM PUBLICATIONS OF/OR COMPLIANCE WITH THESE RULES AND/OR REGULATIONS. They are intended as a guide for the conduct of the sport and are in no way a guarantee against injury or death to a participant, spectator, or Official.
By signing the liability waiver at the Event, the signee is stating that he/she understands the “risk” of entering the pit area, the limits of the Series insurance coverage, and that he/she agree to unconditionally abide by the rules and regulations as set forth in the CARS Tour Rules and Regulations.
CARS Tour shall be empowered to permit reasonable and appropriate deviation from any of the specifications herein or impose any further requirements.
Any interpretation or deviation of these rules is left to the discretion of the CARS Tour Officials. Their decision is final.

CARS Tour West Director shall be empowered to make changes to any specification contained within these rules and regulations. Furthermore, he/she may impose further restrictions that, in his/her opinion, do not alter the minimum accepted standards.

  1. No expressed or implied warranty of safety shall result from such alteration of specifications. All such interpretations and deviations are at the sole discretion of CARS Tour West Officials.
  2. Regulations and specifications set forth herein may be automatically amended by, but not limited to, technical bulletins and Official entry blanks distributed by the CARS Tour West.
  3. Any specification and/or regulation contained herein are subject to immediate change as determined by the CARS Tour West Director.
  4. The intent of these Rules and Regulations is to provide for fair, competitive, and safe racing in all CARS Tour West Events.
  5. All rules, contained herein, are subject to amendment as CARS Tour West Officials deem necessary.
  6. CARS Tour West Pro Late Model division, all drivers must be at least 14 years of age.
  7. It is mandatory that all drivers have a NASCAR Feature Division License. Crew is recommended to have a NASCAR Charger license. This may be through Annual or Single-Event Licensing.
  8. Cars Tour West reserves the right to approve/disapprove of any driver based on his/her ability to safely and competitively participate in the Series.
  9. Each team assumes responsibility for notification to CARS Tour West of any change to its’ W-9 form on file.
  10. Each driver and team owner must complete all Tour registration forms prior to participation in any CARS Tour West Event. General Rules
  11. Owners assume full responsibility for the actions of their crew members, driver, and any other persons for whom the owner paid admission to the Event.
  12. No intoxicating beverages or controlled substances are to be consumed before, during or after race Events by anyone in the pit area.
  13. Physical or verbal abuse to any CARS Tour West Official will not be tolerated and is subject to a fine and/or suspension.
  14. Interpretation of rules, procedures or scoring positions by the CARS Tour West shall be final, non-appealable, and not litigable.
  15. Drivers, owners, and/or any other member of a crew shall have no claims against or cause of actions for damages, expenses, or otherwise against CARS Tour West, it’s Officials or the promoter for an act of disqualification or damage to either car or driver, or both.
  16. Race cars may be mechanically inspected by CARS Tour West Officials at any time and in any manner.
  17. Entry fees and pit gate fees shall be non-refundable.
  18. Purse and owner championship points fund money, if any, will be distributed to the designated payee of the team in accordance with the 2024 W-9 form completed by the owner. Any changes to the distribution of funds will be the owner’s responsibility. Proper income tax information, including Federal ID numbers and/or social security numbers, must be on file before funds are distributed.
  19. It is mandatory to have a transponder on during all practices, qualifying and race.
  20. If lead falls off your car it will be a $25 per pound penalty. Make sure your lead is secure.
  21. All rules and regulations in the CARS Tour West Rule Book are subject to interpretations by CARS Tour West Officials.
  22. CARS Tour West reserves the right to reject or revoke any entry application for any reason the CARS Tour West Director deems for “just cause”.
    Driver Personal Safety Equipment

1, The following are items are REQUIRED to be worn at ALL times while operating a racecar on the racing surface.

Full Face Helmet---Certification label visible for inspection. Recommended certification: Snell SA 2015, SA 2020/ SFI 31.1 and FIA 8860-2010, 8860-2015 and 8860-2018.

Head and Neck Restraint---Hans, Safety Solutions, Simpson (formerly Hutchins) or Stand21 devices recommended. It is recommended that they be SFI 38.1 approved and within the date of stated by the manufacturer.

Full-one piece fire resistant/retardant drivers’ uniform---SFI or FIA rated with SFI label or FIA label. Recommended rating of SFI 3.2A/5 –3.4 and FIA 8856-2018.

Gloves, Socks, and Shoes—Fire resistant/retardant. SFI or FIA rating with label attached. Recommended SFI rating of 3.3. Rating label visible for inspection.
Series Sponsor Decals
The following areas on the race vehicles are reserved spaces for the CARS Tour series sponsors. The contributions of the series sponsors represent a very important revenue stream to enable the Series to pay the purses and offer the various incentive programs to its competitors. No competing series decals may be displayed on cars competing in the CARS Tour. Please refrain from using these areas for team sponsors: Top 5” of windshield-Full width of windshield-Both front fenders and both rocker panels.
Driver/Crew Chief/Spotter Meeting

  1. CARS Tour West Officials will conduct a mandatory driver’s meeting at each race. At this meeting all new or special information that may differ from the Rule Book will be announced and will be considered official. Attendance is mandatory.
    Qualifying Procedures
    A. All cars must pass tech and receive an inspection sticker before qualifying. Any car or driver not ready to qualify at the assigned time or at assigned order may be issued a penalty.
    B. Upon passing tech, cars are considered impounded and no more work may be performed other than the adjustment of tire pressures and the adding or removing of tape to the grill area. Any car that is worked on after tech, without the approval of a CARS Tour Official, will serve a penalty.
    C. If you fail qualifying tech once you receive a mark if you fail on your second time thru you get the slowest time of your 2 laps.
    D. Competitors will “single car qualify” with two (2) lap timed laps. Fastest lap will be your time of record.
    E. Teams are required to start the race on the same tires on which they qualified. After qualifying, teams may not change a tire unless it is flat or has serious damage. Tire changes will be at the discretion of CARS Tour West Officials. After qualifying, cars may not leave impounded area or have any work performed on them unless approved/ instructed by Technical Director or his designate.
    F. When two competitors have duplicate fast lap times the driver who received the lap time first will receive that higher position.
    G. The fastest qualifier will be given the choice of starting on the inside or outside position in the front row. The fastest qualifier will be used as the control car for the start.
    H. The qualifying order will be set off combined (P1 and P2) practice times inverted. The slowest car will go out first with fastest car going out last. If a competitor doesn’t practice they will qualify first.
    I. If for any reason qualifying as described above does not take place, starting positions will be determined by the combined (P1 and P2) practice times. If practice does not occur, starting positions will be assigned based on current 2024 CARS Tour West Pro Late Model Car Owners Points standings. For the first race of the 2024 season, if practice or qualifying does not occur, a random shall be used to determine the starting order for the Feature Event.
    Race Procedures
  2. All drivers must be on time to participate in the events for which they are scheduled. Any driver late for the drivers’ meeting or driver introductions, as determined by CARS Tour West Officials, may be penalized.
  3. The initial start and all restarts will be double file. On the initial start, and all restarts, all cars must maintain their positions in the same lane until reaching the start/finish line. In the event of a caution on the first lap of the race, the field will be restarted as per the original line up with the exception of the cars that were involved in the caution they will restart at the rear of the field. On restarts, the race will resume when the green flag is displayed.
  4. All starts and restarts shall be made at a designated area on the track (restart zone) and made known to the drivers in the pre-race meeting.
  5. The blue flag with a diagonal yellow stripe signifies that faster traffic is overtaking the cars being signaled. Cars being given this flag must yield to overtaking traffic as directed by CARS Tour West Officials.
  6. The yellow flag signifies a caution period and will be displayed immediately following the occurrence of the cause for caution. All cars shall slow down to a cautious pace, hold their position, and form a single line behind the lead car. Yellow flag laps will not count. Restart line up will be set by last completed green flag lap with involved cars moved to the rear.
  7. Any car entering the pits shall restart the race at the rear of the longest line of cars.
  8. Cars returning to the racetrack from the pits while the yellow flag is out must wait for the entire field to pass before joining at the rear.
    A. No car may pass the pace car unless directed to do so by Race Director.
    B. During a given caution period only one (1) car is eligible for the Free Pass per caution period. That car may be any number of laps down to the leader but the Free Pass will go to the first eligible car. The Free Pass CAN pit during this caution period. This car may only pass the pace car when directed to do so by the Race Director. If the first eligible car was part of the incident on the track which resulted in the current caution period, this car will forfeit their privilege and this privilege will not be passed on to any other car during the same caution period. Once the car passes the pace car, that car must restart at the tail end of the longest line.
  9. Pit attendants and crew members shall not go on the racing surface for ANY reason.
  10. The red flag means that the race must be stopped immediately regardless of the position of the cars on the track. The red flag shall be used if, in the opinion of CARS Tour West Officials, the track is unsafe to continue to race or a prolonged caution period is anticipated.
  11. The black flag means for the competitor to go to the pits immediately and report to the CARS West Official at the driver’s pit. It does not mean automatic disqualification. At the discretion of CARS Tour Officials, if the driver does not obey the black flag directive, the driver will then be given the black flag with a white cross to inform the driver that scoring of his/ her car has been discontinued until further notice.
  12. When the white flag is displayed, it means the leader has started his or her last lap. If the yellow flag is displayed during the white flag lap, all cars will cease racing and slow to a cautious speed. The race will end under caution. The race will not be restarted. Vehicles will be scored based on their respectful track position.
  13. When the checkered flag is given to the leader, the race will be declared "Official", the balance of the field receives the checkered flag in the same lap. Finishing positions will be awarded according to most laps traveled in the least time, whether the car is still running or not.
  14. The winner of the Event, second and third place will bring his/her car to the start/finish line (or victory circle) while the fourth and fifth place finishers and any invited guest will drive directly to the tech area for post-race inspection, unless otherwise directed by either the Race Director or another CARS Tour West Officials. The top 5 cars and drivers must proceed immediately to post race inspection once they have fulfilled their victory circle obligations. The top 5 drivers must stay with their car until released by CARS series official after being scaled., failure to do so will result in disqualification from event) All others will enter their pit area immediately after receiving the checkered flag.
  15. If any work is performed on a car while on the racing surface, the car will be immediately disqualified from the Event.
  16. No car will be permitted to continue in competition if, in the opinion of the Race Director, the car is a hazard to the other cars in the Event.
  17. Cars must receive the checkered flag to win. Any race stopped because of curfew restrictions or inclement weather that has completed at least half of the race will be considered a completed race.
  18. Any driver who does not obey the flag rules will receive a penalty.
  19. Any competitor who causes or attempts to cause a yellow flag by stopping his/her car or throwing debris on the racing surface will be assessed a (1) lap penalty and restart the Event as the very last car to cross the starting line.
  20. Each team is required to provide the Technical Director with their radio frequency.
  21. Each CARS Tour team will be responsible for providing a spotter, in the designated area for spotters, for their vehicle at any time the vehicle is on the track either in practice, qualifying, or racing. This spotter MUST be capable of monitoring the CARS Tour Race Control frequency at all times (even when the team's primary frequency is in use) and be capable of communicating messages to his/her driver as directed by CARS Tour Race Control. All Spotters must attend the ‘driver, crew chief, spotters” meetings.
    “In Race” Pit Stop Procedures
  22. When following the pace car under a caution flag, all drivers must maintain their position in relation to other cars in the field. Cars choosing to pit must NOT pull up or advance position. Cars intending to pit will drop down from their position to enter the pits at the entrance/apron of pit road. Pit procedures for each Event will be determined in CARS Tour driver/crew chief meeting prior to the Event.
  23. Race cars exiting pit road under caution flag will not be allowed to blend into traffic but must fall into line behind the last car on the track. DO NOT ADVANCE. Cars which advance will be moved to the rear.
  24. Cars entering pit road must not exceed pace car speed. Speeding on pit road will be enforced at all times. Cars speeding on pit road will be moved to the rear of the field.
  25. MANDATORY: Teams must have a minimum of 10# fully charged fire extinguisher with their car # on it in their pit area.
  26. No smoking within 15 feet of pit stalls.
    Timing and Scoring
  27. The CARS Tour West Director of Scoring for the Event is totally responsible for scoring the Event. The decisions of the Scoring Director, with respect to timing and scoring, are final unless the Scoring Director elects to request a re-check by the CARS Tour West office or when the Scoring Director is asked by a competitor who has competed in the Event to submit a request for such recheck to tour office.
  28. The UNOFFICIAL finish will be posted at the command center within one (1) hour of the checkered flag.
  29. A scoring protest must be written and accompanied by a $250 NON-REFUNDABLE service fee and be presented to the CARS Tour Director or Scoring Director within twenty (20) minutes of the posted finish. No protests will be accepted after that time.
  30. If possible, scoring rechecks will be done at the track. If it is an extensive recheck, the office will have five (5) working days to recheck the scoring and post an Official finish. Until that time, the finish is not considered Official. Decisions of the CARS Tour office on a scoring re- check are final, non-appealable and non-litigable.
  31. Penalties for violation of CARS Tour Rules are determined by the gravity of the violation and its effects on fairness of competition, the orderly conduct of the Event, and the interests of stock car racing and the Series. Such penalties may include, but are not limited to, disqualification, suspension, fines and/or loss of points. A suspension may be permanent or for a specified or indefinite period of time. The CARS Tour Director may use the following as guidelines for the imposition of penalties in the situations described below, but these guidelines shall not limit the authority of the CARS Tour Director. Additionally, the CARS Tour Director may place a Member on probation for a length of time which the CARS Tour Director shall determine. The probation status shall be considered a “warning” to the Member.

A. Any Member who performs an act or participated in actions deemed by CARS Tour Officials as detrimental to automobile racing or to the CARS Tour, a fine of at least $500.00, suspension of those persons involved in the act, and/or loss of championship points.
B. Any Owner whose car is found with a traction control device (working or not) will be suspended indefinitely.
C. Any Member who forges another person’s signature on the Waiver Release form: ---a fine of at least $500.00 and suspension.
D. Any Member who assaults or threatens to do bodily harm to any CARS Tour West Official or persons serving under their direction, minimum fine of $ 1000.00, suspension, and/or loss of championship points.
E. Any Member who enters another competitor’s pit area to fight will be fined at least $ 500 and face a possible suspension.
F. In an event where the CARS Tour West Officials mandate post-race inspection of a car that has competed in the Event and that car is taken from the racing premises without the permission of a CARS Tour Official, the car will be disqualified.
G. Any member who refuses to tear down a car for inspection, when requested to do so by the CARS Tour West Official,
a fine of $1,000.00, and/or disqualification, and/or loss of championship points, and/or suspension from the Series.
H. Use of altered fuel will result in a fine, and/or loss of finishing position, championship points, and/or suspension from CARS Tour. Failure to cooperate with tour Officials in obtaining fuel samples at any time during an Event will subject the car to disqualification and will subject the crew chief and/or car owner to additional penalties deemed appropriate by CARS Tour West Officials.
I. Use of any tire or tires that have been altered by unauthorized treatment or the placing of tire treatment inside the tire: disallowance of qualifying times, withdrawal of the opportunity to qualify for the Event, and/or minimum fine of $500.00 per tire, and/or loss of finishing position in the Event, and/or suspension from the tour.
Pre-Qualifying Inspection Done in order of the qualifying order. Once successfully passing tech, all cars are placed on pit road and are impounded. The only work that may be done is taping of grill and adjustment of tire pressure.
Post-Race Inspection The top five (5) finishers, plus any other cars as instructed by the CARS Tour West Technical
Director, shall report directly to the tech following any post- race celebrations. These cars can’t go to their pit area for any reason. The inspection process will be directed by the CARS Tour West Technical Director and it will his/her sole discretion as to what the inspection process will consist of.
Series’ weighing, measuring and testing devices as well as procedures used by CARS Tour West Officials are the standards which determine a vehicles’ compliance with tour rules and regulations. No other equipment or device may be used unless approved by CARS Tour West Technical Director.
The decision on rules infractions and the penalties associated with the infractions discovered during pre-qualifying and post -race inspections shall be at the sole discretion of the Series Tech Director and are final and non-appealable.
Non-Conforming Parts
CARS Tour reserve the right to confiscate any non-conforming and/or unapproved part (s).
Driver Championship Points System

1st 33 19th 14
2nd 31 20th 13
3rd 30 21st 12
4th 29 22nd 11
5th 28 23rd 10
6th 27 24th 9
7th 26 25th 8
8th 25 26th 7
9th 24 27th 6
10th 23 28th 5
11th 22 DNQ 2
12th 21
13th 20
14th 19
15th 18
16th 17
17th 16

*All cars that do not qualify for the feature Event will receive two (2) championship points if a qualifying run was attempted.
Bonus Points Program

  1. Lap leader one (1) point awarded to each driver who leads at least one lap.
  2. Fast qualifier – two (2) points
  3. 3-Leader of the most laps – one (1) point


The rules and/or regulations set forth herein provide for the orderly conduct of racing events and to establish minimum acceptable requirements of such events. These rules shall govern the condition of all such events. All participants are deemed to have complied with these rules. No expressed or implied warranty of safety shall result from publications of or compliance with these rules and/or regulations. Series rules are intended as a guide for the conduct of the sport and are in no way a guarantee against injury or death to a participant. Officials shall be empowered to permit minor deviations from any of the specifications herein or impose any further restrictions that in his/her opinion does not alter the minimum acceptable requirements. No expressed or implied warranty of safety shall result from such altercation of specifications. Any interpretation or deviation of these rules is left to the officials. Any decision of and by Officials is final.
A. WEIGHTS: includes driver, race ready.
B. Minimum Straight rail chassis weight is 2875lbs with a GM 602 factory sealed engine.
C. Perimeter chassis receive 60 lbs. weight break. Camaro big spring chassis receive 40 lbs. weight break. If both 75# break. (See #10 for Perimeter requirements)
D. 60.0% maximum left side weight for cars with a GM602 at all times (without refueling).
E. Method of determining post-race total weight will be at the discretion of Officials. Officials may either utilize “1 lb. per lap” burn-off or allow teams to refuel for post-race total weight rules.
F. All lead weights must be painted white, with the car number painted on each individual piece. All lead weights must be securely fastened. Lead Inspection will be part of post-race tech and if a piece of lead is not properly painted white with car number in black marked on all sides the driver will receive a $500.00 fine on 1st offense and will be an automatic disqualification on the 2nd offense. Any lost weight will result in a $25 per pound fine to the Driver. No Tungsten or similar weight allowed.
G. Added weight must not be used as panning or aero advantage.
H. Added weight located ahead of the front spindles or behind the centerline of the rear axle must be bolted securely to main frame rails and cannot be used as panning or aero advantage.
I. No titanium, Inconel, exotic materials, parts, or components allowed anywhere on racecar or the engine unless specified in the rules.

  1. ENGINE:
    A. Tracks 3/8 mile or larger only an unaltered GM 602 Crate Engines permitted, no alterations from factory and GM sealed with new style seals. (You may run after market valve springs but they must be the same spring pressures as OEM. Must run GM factory stamped steel 1.5 rocker arm)
    B. Tracks under 3/8 mile the following engines will also be permitted:
  2. All other iron block wet sump engine combinations/any 4bbl 3000 lbs. 58.0% left 7000 rpm
  3. Dry sump iron block engines 76” maximum track width 3000 lbs. 58.0% left 7000 rpm
  4. CT525 GM approved sealed crate engine/any 4bbl 3000 lbs. 58.0% left 6800 rpm (CT525 ignition controller must straight line timing curve)
    The CT525 is the only aluminum block allowed. Cars running the CT525 will be required to bolt 20 pounds to each R & L front frame rail (40 pounds total) at the kick up just behind the front cross member.
    C. Maximum engine set-back is 6" for the 602 crate engines and all other engines the maximum engine set-back is 2". Measured from the center of the number one spark plug hole to the center of the upper ball joint.
    D. Any single 4bbl carburetor will be permitted with a maximum of 1-inch spacer. Mechanical fuel pump in stock location.
    E. Cars must run a maximum 6,200 RPM chip from the series or you may use the FAST/Crane Ignition System part # 6000-6701 or ‘JMS – Daytona Sensors’ part # 6000-6701K.
    F. Only one ignition box allowed and must be mounted to the right side of the car centerline with the chip or RPM dial facing the right side. All wires to the distributor must be run separately and not be part of a bigger wiring harness. All wiring must be sealed with no unplugged wires.
    G. The Nelson Specialties/SPEARS SRL Southwest Tour Series or Quick Car part number #50-2053 spec wiring harness is highly recommended.
    H. The spec wiring harness shall not be altered or changed in any way.
    I. NO Traction Control Devices of any kind - If any ‘traction control’ device is found, the driver and owner will be disqualified from the event, the car will be confiscated until a $15,000 fine is paid.
    J. No Data Acquisition equipment/wiring is allowed in the car on officially recognized race or practice days.
    K. Digital dashes will not be permitted but digital gauges are permitted.
    L. Cellphones, smart watches or Bluetooth devices will not be allowed in racecar at any time during tech, practice, qualifying or race, the driver will receive a $500.00 fine on 1st offense and will be an automatic disqualification on the 2nd offense.
    A. Any traditional late model type perimeter or straight rail chassis is allowed. Body must be a factory stock Five Star or AR pavement style body (no mixing of brands) and must be mounted in a stock manner as it was intended from the manufacturer, no extra panels may be used to extend the body in any way, hood must cover the air cleaner with no holes other than standard ABC opening (2.5” x 20”) at the base of the windshield, complete rear bumper cover must be used with no holes drilled in it, no extra material may be removed from the rear bumper cover, rear spoiler must be mounted in the stock location and centered. Maximum front overhang is 46.5”. Maximum quarter panel height is 34.5” and 34 7/8” center. Maximum rear overhang is 47”. Any body that appears to be chopped up, will be subject to templates, templates may be used at anytime.
    B. Straight Rail cars maximum drivers tub length is 52 ½” and the maximum width of frame is 53 ½”. No under car panning outside of frame rails and no further than drivers’ tub front or rear at the bottom of the frame.
    C. No under body air deflectors, panning or wings of any kind. Roof rails and passenger windows will not be permitted. 12-inch vent windows with a maximum of 1” deflection will be required and must go 90 degrees from the top of the door up to the A-post.
    D. No fans, ducts or hoses to the rear brakes, no holes or hoses are allowed through the interior sheet metal.
    E. Ride height rule; all cars must be able to get on and off the inspection scales without the use of any extra ramps or boards and the car must not drag on the scales.
    F. 6 ½” x 60” rear spoiler only, must be centered on the rear bumper cover with no offset in any direction with a ½” gap in the center. Maximum of (6) six rod style spoiler supports permitted on the rear of the spoiler only. It is mandatory that the upper 2/3's of the spoiler be made of “clear” Lexan.
    G. If exhaust exits through the door, must be configured to series standards. Must meet DBA limits for series and track. When competing at Roseville’s All-American Speedway we must follow their ‘Exhaust system and noise requirements’ – No side exit exhaust and max 90 DBA.
    H. Air may not be blown or forced onto the tire or bead. Air may only be directed to the brake rotors. The duct work between the nose and the radiator may be no wider than the frame rails.
    I. Only one naca-duct in left or right quarter window for helmet blower only will be permitted. No reverse naca-ducts.
    J. Interiors must be steel or aluminum only.
    K. Bumper bars and right-side door bars must be a minimum of .065 x 1 ¼ inch steel tubing.
    L. No Carbon Fiber; radiator ductwork, rotors, drivelines, driveshaft, chassis supports or clutches.
    M. One (1) mechanical brake pressure proportioning system to adjust rear bias acceptable to the CARS officials will be permitted. Electronic or remote-control devices will not be permitted.
    N. No hollowed-out bolts of any kind allowed.
    A. Minimum wheelbase is 101" and difference from left to right may not exceed 1/2 inch.
    B. Maximum track width of 67-7/8” inches measured center of tire to center of tire.(Same as Referee 65.5”).
    C. Any steel shock, all external parts must be steel (Aluminum rod end on the shaft end ok, and an aluminum threaded body cap ok). One shock per wheel, no remote adjusters or reservoirs of any kind may be used on a shock. Aluminum shocks with no remote adjusters or reservoirs of any kind may be used with a 25-pound penalty.
    D. REAR SUSPENSION – No fifth (5th) coil, torque arm or lift bar suspensions will be permitted. No birdcage set-ups of any kind (3 or 4 link). Trailing arms must mount to rear end and chassis in a solid fashion (heim allowed) and no part of the trailing arm mounting may freely rotate around the rear end or move.
    E. No independent rear suspension.
    F. Driveshaft must be painted white. Two driveshaft hoops are required.
    G. Rear end ring gears must be a minimum of 8 inches.
    A. Spec fuel is Sunoco 110 or Sunoco E-85R (25-pound penalty) race fuel only. Each competitor must purchase 15 gallons of fuel from track on race day. Fuel samples may be taken at any time and tested. Alcohol, nitro-methane, nitrous oxide, other oxygenating agents, other additives and/or fuels that contain masking agents or oxygen are not permitted. Street-use pump gas is not allowed. Use of such substances or additives will result in immediate disqualification. A variation of more than +/-0.3 in the Dielectric Constant (DC) reading from Sunoco 110 or Sunoco E-85R will be Illegal. No icing or cooling of fuel system.
    B. A fuel cell will be mandatory with a 22-gallon (U.S.) maximum and a minimum height of 8” with the car on 4” blocks. Fuel cell must be equipped with at least two (2) protective straps completely around the cell. Fuel cell must be mounted securely behind the rear axle of the car. Cars must have a minimum 1/16” steel plate, or similar strength aluminum plate, between fuel cell and rear end. A similar plate at the rear of the fuel cell is recommended. All cars must have safety bar at the rear of the fuel cell. All fuel cell configurations must include a rubber type cell in a steel container.
    C. No “U” Shaped fuel cells will be permitted.
    D. All cars must have an OBERG or SRI fuel shut off at the point the fuel exits the cell and after fuel filter.
    A. Race tires must be purchased at track on event day.
    B. Hoosier 970 treaded tire on 8” steel wheels only with steel studs and steel lug nuts.
    C. Tires may not be cut, soaked or altered in any way (minimum of $1,000 fine).
    D. Competitors must start the race on the tires they qualified with.
  9. SAFETY:
    A. Current valid date approved SFI or FIA seat belts and double shoulder harness and a crotch strap is required.
    B. A full-face helmet required with a 2015 (recommended 2020) Snell sticker.
    C. SFI or FIA rated full driving suit and gloves for fire protection mandatory, SFI undergarments are recommended.
    D. Driver’s window must be equipped with a safety net, no older than five years and quick release latch of minimum size 22” wide by 16” high. Resilient padding must be installed anywhere the driver can reach on roll bars.
    E. An Onboard charged Fire System is Mandatory.
    F. Approved SFI or FIA Head and Neck Restraint System is mandatory.
    G. Professional manufactured aluminum racing seats with a SFI rating is highly recommended. The Kenny’s Components JL1 seats are approved if bolted in 6 locations with a minimum of 3/8 bolts, but any other carbon fiber seat must have prior approval and may be required to have a minimum SFI rating of 39.2.
    H. All teams must have a fire extinguisher in their pit at all times.
    I. All cars must have a clearly marked electrical cut off switch easily accessible to the safety crew. Batteries must be securely mounted outside of the driver’s compartment.
    J. 1/16” steel side plate in driver’s door is mandatory.
    K. Roll cage must be constructed of 1 3/4” OD. steel x.090 round tubing, the main frame rails must be minimum 2”x3” rectangular steel.
    A. All competitors must have timing transponders on their car for the entire program including practice. Available at event.
    B. All Transponders must be mounted 160” inches from front of the nose and on outside of right-side frame rail.
    A. Two-way radio communication between driver and minimum of one spotter for each team is required for all competitors at all times while on track. Mandatory each spotter must have a dedicated stand-alone radio or scanner to monitor Race Control at all times.
    B. No electronic recording devices allowed in or on the car, cameras inside car may be approved but Series has the right to view or download any video at any time.
  12. FRAME REQUIREMENTS AND ELIGIBILITY (All frames must be approved and acceptable to the SRL officials)
    A. Straight Frame Rail cars roll cage will follow the U.L.R.A. and SRL guidelines, built by an approved manufacturer, to approved standards.
    B. Perimeter Frame – Specification:
  13. The minimum distance from outside to outside of frame rails is 57 inches.
  14. The front and rear main roll cage bars must be welded perpendicular to the top of the right and left frame rails, rising vertically.
  15. Roof Bar – the center-to-center width of the roof bar (halo) must be a minimum of 40 inches (left to right), and a minimum distance of 30 inches (front to rear).
    If you have any questions e-mail
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