Jace Pettigrew
Jace Pettigrew

Jace Pettigrew
Rootstown, OH

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Career Highlights

Jace participated in his first race ever on his 10th birthday in 2021 after participating in an arrive and drive event in Toledo a month earlier. He raced quarter midget cars his first year of racing and participated in a couple races at the end of the season in an open sprint car on dirt. Jace loved racing on dirt which lead to his decision to begin racing a 270 Micro Sprint at the start of the 2022 season. At the end of his rookie season of racing his 270 Micro Sprint Jace had 5 wins, 13 top five finishes, and finished second in points for his Junior Micro 270 class. Jace will continue venturing out to new tracks this season and racing with more cars on the track!

Most Memorable Moment

Jace's most memorable moment in his 2023 racing season was racing at Path Valley for the first time.


  • DriverBill Laughman


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