Katie Brunette
Katie Brunette

Katie Brunette
Hockley, TX

Driver Information

Racing is a sport that i have always grown up loving. Funny enough, i used to go to all the local tracks as a kid and even tried to dress like the drivers. Needless to say, it's always been a dream to race since i was a kid.
Growing up, my dad was a mechanic and i often watched him work on cars. We had always planned to build a race car together but unfortunately he had several bouts of fighting with cancer which left him weak and unable to enjoy normal activities including eventually keeping him from using his mechanic skills like he had his whole life. Cancer eventually took his life in 2018 and I actually got away from racing and anything related as it was something we often did together. Truthfully I lost interest and did not think i'd be able to ever race a car without his guidence and mechanical knowledge. However, in 2022 i decided i wanted to give it a try and see what would happen and i bought a beginner FWD Ecostock car. We had a few set backs but eventually got out there and instantly fell in love. So here i am, ever since, racing, learning, and enjoying this great sport when i'm not at work on an ambulance. It's been quite the ride from learning how to use tools to tire prep and all the above but I'm here for it. So i'm here to say dont ever let anything set you back from doing anything you dream of doing or becoming.


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  • Car ManufacturerFord