Ryan Larkin
Ryan Larkin

Ryan Larkin
Egremont, MA

Driver Information

No Information

No biography information available for this competitor.

Career Highlights

2001 pure stock win
2002 to 2006 5 sportsman wins
2005 Mr Dirt Race of Kings Small Block quickest time and 6th place Finish
2007 to 2010 2 Big block Wins
2010 to 2020 Break
2020 First Crate Sportsman Win - 3rd in Points
2021 First Small Block win - 2 wins
2023 Small Block win

Most Memorable Moment

2005 Quickest Mr. dirt Race of Kings Small block and 2005 Moody Mile Small block race




  • TrackLebanon


  • Car ManufacturerBicknell
  • BeverageCoke